The 100 Most Important -Buildings, Sites and Neighborhoods– from the Venezuelan National Register
Listings are organized according to their locations
in the Venezuelan federal states. The entities enclosing the capital, Caracas, are:
Distrito Federal, Miranda State and Vargas State. The
period considered is (1900 - 1985).
National Register – Venezuela
Apure State
1. Name of work / building, site or
neighborhood: Catedral de San
Fernando Rey
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Robert Klein
(Germany, - ); with engineer Manuel Pérez Marcano ( - )
City/Place: San Fernando de Apure, Apure State
Year: project and construction: 1959-1969
Aragua State
2. Name of work / building, site or
neighborhood: Hotel de Golf Maracay
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Luis Malaussena
(Caracas, 1900 - 1962)
City/Place: Maracay, Aragua State
Year: project and construction:
3. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Hotel Jardín, Maracay
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Carlos Raúl
Villanueva (London, 1900 – Caracas, 1975)
City/Place: Maracay, Aragua State
Year: project and construction: 1929-1933
4. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Maestranza Cesar Girón
(Maracay’s Bullring)
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Carlos Raúl
Villanueva (London, 1900 – Caracas, 1975)
City/Place: Maracay, Aragua State
Year: project and construction: 1931-1933
5. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Plaza Bolívar de
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Carlos Raúl
Villanueva (London, 1900 – Caracas, 1975)
City/Place: Maracay, Aragua State
Year: project and construction: 1928-1930
6. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Grupo Escolar República de México
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Luis Malaussena (Caracas, 1900 - 1962)
City/Place: Maracay, Aragua State
Year: project and construction: 1941-1943
Bolívar State
7. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Old Puente Angostura
(Puente Raúl Leoni)
Author/s and dates of birth/death: engineer
Juan Otaola Paván
(Río Caribe, 1924 – Caracas, 2000)
(Precomprimido C.A,) with American Bridge.
City/Place: Angostura, Orinoco river, Bolívar State
Year: project and construction: 1962-1965
8. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Corporación Venezolana
de Guayana Building
Author/s and dates of birth/death:
architect Jesús Tenreiro-Degwitz (Valencia, 1936 – Caracas, 2007)
City/Place: Ciudad Guayana, Bolívar State
Year: project and construction: 1967-1970
9. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Museo de Arte Moderno
Jesús Soto
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Carlos Raúl
Villanueva (London, 1900 – Caracas, 1975)
City/Place: Ciudad Bolívar. Bolívar State
Year: project and construction: 1970-1973
Carabobo State
10. Name
of work /building, site or neighborhood:
Hotel Cumboto
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect
Donald Charles (Don) Hatch (San
Francisco, USA - )
City/Place: Puerto Cabello,
Carabobo State
Year: project and construction: 1967-1969
11. Name
of work /building, site or neighborhood:
Aduana de Puerto Cabello
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Julián
Ferris (Caracas, 1921 – 2009)
City/Place: Puerto Cabello,
Carabobo State.
Year: project and construction: 1963-1965
Falcón State
12. Name of work
/building, site or neighborhood:
Judibana Housing
Author/s and dates of birth/death: Louis
Skdmore (Lawrenceburg, Indiana, 1897 – 1962, Nathaniel Owens ((Indianapolis,
Indiana, USA, 1903 – Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 1984) & John Ogden Merrill
(Saint Paul Minnesotta, USA, 1896 – Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, 1975)
City/Place: Amuay, Falcón State
Year: project and construction:
13. Name of work
/building, site or neighborhood: Iglesia Cristo Rey
Author/s and dates of birth/death: Louis
Skdmore (Lawrenceburg, Indiana, 1897 – 1962, Nathaniel Owens ((Indianapolis,
Indiana, USA, 1903 – Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 1984) & John Ogden Merrill
( Saint Paul, Minnesotta, USA, 1896 – Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, 1975)
City/Place: Judibana Housing, Amuay. Falcón
Year: project and construction:
Guárico State
14. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Grupo Escolar Estados Unidos de América
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Luis Malaussena
(Caracas 1900 - 1962)
City/Place: Calabozo, Guárico State
Year: project and construction: 1944-1945
Lara State
15. Name
of work /building, site or neighborhood: Obelisco
de Barquisimeto
Author/s and dates of birth/death: engineer María José
Jiménez Vásquez ( _ )
City/Place: Barquisimeto, Lara
Year: project and construction: 1952-1956
16. Name
of work /building, site or neighborhood: Grupo
Escolar República Dominicana
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Luis Malaussena (Caracas, 1900 - 1962)
City/Place: El Tocuyo, Lara State
Year: project and construction: 1942-1944
17. Name
of work /building, site or neighborhood: Liceo
Lisandro Alvarado
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Cipriano J. Domínguez (Caracas,1904 - 1995)
City/Place: Barquisimeto, Lara
Year: project and construction: 1944-1945
18. Name
of work /building, site or neighborhood: Concejo
Municipal de Barquisimeto
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Jesús Tenreiro-Degwitz
(Valencia, 1936 – Caracas, 2007)
City/Place: Barquisimeto, Lara
Year: project and construction: 1966-1968
19. Name of work /building, site or neighborhood: Hotel Jirahara
Author/s and dates of birth/death:
architect Jimmy Alcock (Caracas, 1932 - ) with architect
Manuel Fuentes Madriz (Caracas, - )
City/Place: Barquisimeto, Lara
Year: project and construction: 1972-1974
Mérida State
20. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Hotel Moruco
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Fruto Vivas
(Callejón del verde, 1928 - )
City/Place: Santo
Domingo, Mérida State
Year: project and construction: 1954-1955
21. Name of work
/building, site or neighborhood: Hotel Prado del Río
Author/s and dates of birth/death:
architect Tomás J. Sanabria (Caracas, 1922 - 2008)
City/Place: Mérida, Mérida State
Year: project and construction: 1954-1956
22. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Palacio de Gobierno del Estado Mérida
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Manuel Mujica
Millán (Vitoria, España,1897 - Mérida, Venezuela, 1963).
City/Place: Mérida, Mérida State
Year: project and construction: 1956-1958
23. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Catedral de Mérida
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Manuel Mujica
Millán (Vitoria, España,1897 - Mérida, Venezuela, 1963).
City/Place: Mérida, Mérida State
Year: project and construction: 1944-1958
24. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Plaza Monumental Román Eduardo Sandia
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architects Alfredo Blanco
( - ), Elí Saúl Uzcátegui ( - ), Ramón Pérez ( - ) and Luis Ramírez ( - ), with
engineer Manuel Padilla Hurtado ( - + )
City/Place: Mérida, Mérida State
Year: project and construction: 1967-1967
25. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Liceo Libertador
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Cipriano J.
Dominguez (Caracas,1904 - 1995)
City/Place: Mérida, Mérida State
Year: project and construction: 1944-1945
26. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Rectorado de la Universidad de Los Andes
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Manuel Mujica
Millán (Vitoria, España,1897 - Mérida,
Venezuela, 1963).
City/Place: Mérida, Mérida State
Year: project and construction: 1954-1956
Nueva Esparta State
27. Name of work
/building, site or neighborhood: Hotel Bella Vista
Author/s and dates of birth/death:
architect Martin Vegas Pacheco (Caracas, 1926 - 2012) and architect José Miguel
Galia (Gualeguaychú, Argentina, 1919 - Caracas, 2009)
City/Place: Porlamar, Nueva Esparta State
Year: project and construction: 1955-1959
28. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Quinta El Bufón
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Moisés Benacerraf
Coriat (Caracas,1924 - Paris,1998) and architect Carlos Guinand Baldó (Caracas,
1889 - 1963)
City/Place: Pampatar, Nueva Esparta State
Year: project and construction: 1950s
Portuguesa State
29. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Basílica Menor Santuario Nacional Nuestra Señora de Coromoto
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Erasmo Calvani
(Caracas, 1915 - )
City/Place: Guanare, Portuguesa State
Year: project and construction: 1975-1990
Táchira State
30. Name of work
/building, site or neighborhood: Hotel El Tamá
Author/s and dates of birth/death:
architect Julio Volante (Buenos Aires, Argentina, - +)
City/Place: San Cristóbal, Táchira State
Year: project and construction:
31. Name
of work /building, site or neighborhood: Ateneo del Táchira
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Luis Eduardo
Chataing (Caracas,1906 - 1971)
City/Place: San Cristóbal, Táchira State
Year: project and construction: 1930s
32. Name
of work /building, site or neighborhood: Iglesia del Divino Redentor
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Fruto Vivas (Callejón del verde,
1928 - )
City/Place: San Cristóbal, Táchira State
Year: project and construction: 1955-1957
Vargas State
33. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Laguna Beach Club
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect and urbanist
Juan Andrés Vegas (Caracas, - +), architect Julián Ferris
(Caracas, 1921 – 2009) and architect Carlos
Dupuy ( - )
City/Place: Caraballeda, Vargas State
Year: project and construction: 1952-1955
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Fruto
Vivas (Callejón del verde, 1928 -)
City/Place: Playa Grande, Vargas
Year: project and construction: 1953-1954
35. Name of work /building, site or neighborhood: Hotel Macuto Sheraton
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Luis
Malaussena (Caracas, 1900 - 1962)
City/Place: Caraballeda, Vargas State
Year: project and
construction: 1955-1963
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Moisés Benacerraf Coriat (Caracas,1924 - Paris, 1998) and architect Carlos Gómez de Llarena (Zaragoza, Spain, 1939
City/Place: Caraballeda, Vargas State
Year: project and construction: 1972-1975
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Moisés Benacerraf Coriat (Caracas,1924 - Paris, 1998) and architect Carlos Gómez de Llarena (Zaragoza, Spain, 1939
City/Place: Caraballeda, Vargas State
Year: project and construction:
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Carlos Raúl
Villanueva (London, 1900 – Caracas, 1975)
City/Place: Los Caracas, Vargas State
project and construction: 1952-1954
39. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Mirador El Vigía
Author/s and dates of birth/death:
architect Miguel Salvador Díaz ( - )
City/Place: Caraballeda, Vargas State
Year: project and construction:
40. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Gran Hotel El Palmar
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Luis Eduardo Chataing (Caracas, 1906 - 1971) and architect Graziano Gasparini (Gorizia, Italy, 1924 - )
City/Place: Caraballeda, Vargas State
41. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Club
Puerto Azul
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Oscar Carpio (Caracas, - ), architect Gabriel Suarez ( - ) with
architect Daniel Camejo ( - ) and landscape artist Roberto Burle Marx (São
Paulo, 1909 - Rio de Janeiro, 1994)
City/Place: Naiguatá, Vargas State
42. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Quinta
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Carlos Raúl
Villanueva (London, 1900 – Caracas, 1975)
City/Place: Caraballeda, Vargas State
43. Name
of work /building, site or neighborhood: Escuela Náutica de Venezuela
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Luis Malaussena (Caracas,
1900 - 1962)
City/Place: Catia La Mar, Vargas State
Year: project and construction: 1951-1953
44. Name of work /building, site or neighborhood:
Viaducto N. 2
Author/s and dates of birth/death:
engineer Eugène Freyssinet (Objat, France, 1879 - Saint-Martin-Vésubie,
France, 1962)
City/Place: Autopista
Caracas-La Guaira, Vargas State
Year: project and construction: 1951-1953
Zulia State
45. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Hotel del Lago
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect John Augur
Holabird (1886, USA - 1945), architect John Wellborn Root Jr. (1887, USA – 1963)
and architect Burgee ( - ) (Holabird, Root and Burgee)
Maracaibo, Zulia State
Year: project and construction: 1951- 1953
46. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Aeropuerto Grano de Oro
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Alejandro Chataing (Caracas, 1873 - 1928),
architect Luis Eduardo Chataing (Caracas,1906-1971), architect Luis Malaussena (Caracas
1900 - 1962) and architect Carlos Raúl Villanueva (London, 1900 – Caracas, 1975).
Ciudad/Lugar: Maracaibo,
Zulia State
Year: project and construction: 1927-1929
47. Name of work /building, site or neighborhood: Old
Centro Vocacional Doctor Octavio Hernández
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Domenico Filippone Maggio (Naples, Italy,
1903 - Caracas, 1970).
Ciudad/Lugar: Maracaibo,
Zulia State
Year: project and construction: 1956-1958
48. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Puente Rafael Urdaneta
(Puente sobre el Lago)
Author/s and dates of birth/death:
engineer Riccardo Morandi (Roma, 1902 - 1989, Italy) with engineer Juan Otaola
Paván (Río Caribe, 1924 – Caracas, 2000) and
Julius Berger A.G.
City/Place: Lago de
Maracaibo, Zulia State
project and construction: 1957-1959
49. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Old Hospital General de Maracaibo (Hospital Universitario de
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Hakon Alhber SAR
(Harplinge, Sweden, 1891 – Stockholm, 1984)
City/Place: Maracaibo,
Zulia State
Year: project and construction: 1948-1954
50. Name of work /building, site or neighborhood: Old Mercado Principal de Maracaibo (Centro de Artes de Maracaibo Lía Bermúdez)
Author/s and dates of birth/death: engineer León Achiel
Jerome Höet (Lichtervelde, Belgium, 1891 - Mene Grande, 1944)
City/Place: Maracaibo,
Zulia State
Year: project and
construction: 1926-1928
51. Name of work /building, site or neighborhood: Escuela
de ingeniería y petróleo de la Universidad del Zulia
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Carlos Raúl
Villanueva (London, 1900 – Caracas, 1975)
City/Place: Maracaibo,
Zulia State
Year: project and construction: 1956-1957
52. Name of work /building, site or neighborhood: Jardin Botanico de Maracaibo
Author/s and dates of birth/death:
landscape artist Roberto Burle Marx (São
Paulo, 1909 - Rio de Janeiro, 1994) with botaninist Leandro Aristeguieta (Guasipati, Venezuela, 1923 - Caracas, 2012)
City/Place: Maracaibo,
Zulia State
Year: project and construction: 1973-1983
Miranda State
53. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Quinta Las Guaycas
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Manuel Mujica
Millán (Vitoria, España,1897 - Mérida, Venezuela, 1963)
City/Place: Campo Alegre, Caracas, Miranda State
Year: project and
construction: 1931-1932
54. Name of work /building,
site or neighborhood: Villa Planchart
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Gio Ponti
(Milano, 1891 –1979)
City/Place: Colinas de San Román, Caracas, Miranda State
project and construction: 1953-1960
55. Name of work /building,
site or neighborhood: Quinta Alto Claro
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Richard Neutra
(Vienna, Austria, 1892 - Wuppertal, Germany, 1970) and landscape architect Eduardo Robles-Piquer (Madrid, 1910 - Caracas, 1993)
City/Place: Parque Naciona El Avila, Caracas, Miranda State
project and construction: 1961-1963
56. Name of work
/building, site or neighborhood: Quinta Olary (Villa Monzeglio)
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Antonio Montini Foschi
(Civitavecchia, 1928 - Caracas, 2005)
City/Place: Colinas de Bello Monte, Caracas, Miranda State
Year: project and construction: 1951-1953
57. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Ciudad Balneario Higuerote
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect and urbanist
José Antonio Ron Pedrique ( - ) and architect Jorge Romero Gutierrez ( - )
City/Place: Higuerote,
Miranda State
Year: project and construction: 1953-1955
58. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Planetario Humboldt
Author/s and dates of birth/death:
architect Carlos Guinand Sandoz (Caracas, 1917 - 1963)
City/Place: Parque del Este, Caracas, Miranda State
Year: project and construction: 1959-1961
59. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Old Shell Oil
Company Building (Edificio La Estancia)
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architects Diego Carbonell Parra (Rio de Janeiro, 1923 –
Caracas, 2000) and Miguel Salvador Diaz ( - )
City/Place: Chuao,
Caracas, Miranda State
Year: project and construction: 1957-1960
60. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Old Mobil Oil Company Building
Autor/es y fechas
de nacimiento/muerte: architect Donald Charles (Don) Hatch (San Francisco, USA - )
City/Place: La
Floresta, Caracas, Miranda State
Year: project and construction: 1955-1957
61. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Edificio Atlantic
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Angelo di Sapio
(Naples, Italy, 1916 - 2002)
City/Place: Los
Palos Grandes, Caracas, Miranda State
Year: project and construction: 1957-1958
62. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Edificio Palic
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Federico G.
Beckhoff (Lage, 1919 - Caracas, 1982)
City/Place: Altamira,
Caracas, Miranda State
Year: project and construction: 1957-1959
63. Name of work
/building, site or neighborhood: Casa Los Borges
Author/s and dates of birth/death:
engineer Luis Borges Villegas ( - ) and architect Athos Albertoni (Florence, Italy - ), with architect Guido Guazzo ( - )
City/Place: Fila de Mariches, Caracas, Miranda
Year: project and construction: 1958-1959
64. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Club Táchira
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Fruto Vivas
(Callejon del verde, 1928 - ) with engineer Eduardo Torroja ( - )
City/Place: Colinas de Bello Monte, Caracas, Miranda State
Year: project and construction: 1955 -1956
65. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Parque del Este
Author/s and dates of birth/death: landscape artist Roberto Burle Marx (São
Paulo, 1909 - Rio de Janeiro, 1994)
Avenida Francisco de Miranda, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1959-1961
66. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Hotel Tamanaco
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Gustavo Guinand
van der Walle ( - ) with architect John Augur Holabird (USA, 1886 - 1945),
architect John Wellborn Root Jr. (USA, 1887 – 1963) and architect Burgee ( - ) (Holabird, Root and Burgee)
City/Place: Colinas de San Román, Caracas, Miranda State
67. Name of work /building, site or neighborhood: Old US Embassy Building
Author/s and dates of birth/death: Donald Charles (Don)
Hatch (San Francisco, USA - )
City/Place: La Floresta, Caracas, Miranda State
68. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Torre Europa
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Moisés Benacerraf Coriat (Caracas,1924 - Paris, 1998) and architect Carlos Gómez de Llarena (Zaragoza, Spain, 1939
City/Place: Avenida
Francisco de Miranda, Caracas, Miranda State
Year: project and construction: 1969-197169. Name of work /building, site or neighborhood: Edificio Altolar
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Walter J. Alcock (Caracas, 1932 - )
City/Place: Colinas de
Bello Monte, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1965-1969
70. Name of work
/building, site or neighborhood: Edificio Residencias Altamira
Author/s and dates of birth/death:
architect Arthur Kahn (Istambul, 1910 - Caracas, 2011)
Plaza Altamira, Caracas, Miranda State
Year: project and construction:
Distrito Capital
71. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Old Creole Oil Company Building
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Lathrop Douglas (USA, - )
Los Chaguaramos, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction:
72. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Sistema de la Nacionalidad
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Federico Beckhoff (Lage, 1919 - Caracas, 1982), Círculo de las
Fuerzas Armadas (1951-1952); architect Luis Malaussena (Caracas, 1900 - 1962), Monumento a Los
Próceres, Paseo de Los Precursores (project 1953),
Academia Militar, and Escuela de Aplicación (project 1945)
City/Place: El
Valle, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1951-1957
73. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Torre Polar y Teatro
del Este
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Martin Vegas Pacheco (Caracas, 1926 - 2012) and architect José Miguel
Galia (Gualeguaychú, Argentina, 1919 - Caracas, 2009)
City/Place: Plaza Venezuela, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1951-1954
74. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Edificio Angloven
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Martin Vegas Pacheco (Caracas, 1926 - 2012) and architect José Miguel
Galia (Gualeguaychú, Argentina, 1919 - Caracas, 2009)
City/Place: Colinas de Bello Monte, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1954-1956
75. Name
of work /building, site or neighborhood: Hotel Humboldt y Estación Avila
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Tomás J. Sanabria (Caracas, 1922 - 2008) with landscape artist Roberto Burle Marx (São
Paulo, 1909 - Rio de Janeiro, 1994)
City/Place: Parque Nacional El Avila, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1956-1957
76. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Banco Metropolitano
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Martin Vegas Pacheco (Caracas, 1926 - 2012) and architect José Miguel
Galia (Gualeguaychú, Argentina, 1919 - Caracas, 2009)
City/Place: Dr. Paúl a Salvador de León, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1955-1957
77. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Capilla del Colegio San José de Tarbes
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Carlos Guinand Sandoz (Caracas, 1917 - 1963)
City/Place: El Paraíso, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1956-1958
78. Name of work /building, site or neighborhood:
Hipódromo de La Rinconada
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Arthur B.
Froehlich ( - ) with landscape artist Roberto Burle Marx (São
Paulo, 1909 - Rio de Janeiro, 1994)
City/Place: La Rinconada, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1955-1959
79. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Edificio Seguros Orinoco
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect José Miguel
Galia (Gualeguaychú, Argentina, 1919 - Caracas, 2009)
City/Place: Esquina de Socarrás, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1969-1971
80. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Quintas aéreas
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Natalio Yunis
City/Place: El Paraiso, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1956-1958
81. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Centro Simon Bolivar
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Cipriano J.
Dominguez (Caracas,1904 - 1995)
City/Place: Avenida Bolivar, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1942-1957
82. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Quinta La Ribereña
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Walter J. Alcock (Caracas, 1932 - ) with landscape artist Roberto Burle Marx (São
Paulo, 1909 - Rio de Janeiro, 1994)
City/Place: Caracas
Country Club, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1970s
83. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Carlos Raúl
Villanueva (London, 1900 – Caracas, 1975)
City/Place: San Pedro,
Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1943 – 1952
84. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Hotel Ávila
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Wallace Kirkman Harrison
( - ) & architect Andre Fouilhoux ( - )
City/Place: San
Bernardino, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1940-1942
85. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Parque Central
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Daniel Fernández
Shaw ( - ) and engineer Carlos Delfino ( - )
City/Place: Avenida
Lecuna, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1970-1983
86. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Teresa Carreño
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Jesus Sandoval (
- ), architect Tomás Lugo ( - ) and
architect Dietrich Kunckel ( - )
City/Place: Los
Caobos, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1980s
87. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Grupo Escolar Gran Colombia (actual Francisco Pimentel)
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Carlos Raúl
Villanueva (London, 1900 – Caracas, 1975)
City/Place: Santa
Teresa, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1943-1945
88. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Banco Central de Venezuela
Author/s and dates of birth/death:architect Tomás J. Sanabria (Caracas, 1922 - 2008) and architect Eduardo
Sanabria( - )
City/Place: Avenida Urdaneta, Caracas, Distrito
Year: project and construction: 1971-1973
89. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Torre Banco Union
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Moisés Benacerraf Coriat (Caracas,1924 - Paris, 1998) and architect Carlos Gómez de Llarena (Zaragoza, Spain, 1939
City/Place: El Chorro, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1974- 1976
90. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Torre América
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Moisés Benacerraf Coriat (Caracas,1924 - Paris, 1998) and architect Carlos Gómez de Llarena (Zaragoza, Spain, 1939
City/Place: Bello Monte, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1976-1978
91. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Parque Jose María Vargas
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Moisés Benacerraf Coriat (Caracas,1924 - Paris, 1998) and architect Carlos Gómez de Llarena (Zaragoza, Spain, 1939
City/Place: Avenida Bolivar, Caracs, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1983-1985
92. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Reurbanización de El Silencio
Autor/es y fechas
de nacimiento/muerte: architect Carlos Raúl
Villanueva (London, 1900 – Caracas, 1975)
City/Place: Plaza O’
Leary, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1939-1945
93. Name of work
/building, site or neighborhood: Urbanización 2 de Diciembre, actual 23 de
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Carlos Raúl
Villanueva (London, 1900 – Caracas, 1975) with architects José Manuel Mijares ( - ), Carlos Brando ( - ) and
José Hoffman ( - )
City/Place: 23 de Enero, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1955-1957
94. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Casa de Italia
Autor/es y fechas
de nacimiento/muerte: architect Doménico Filippone Maggio (Napoles. Italia, 1903 - Caracas, 1970)
City/Place: La
Candelaria, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1954-1956
95. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Caracas Country Club
Author/s and dates of birth/death: landscape architect Fredric Law Olmsted Jr (Staten Island, New York, USA, 1870 - 1957) and landscape architect John Charles Olmsted ( - ) (Olmsted
City/Place: Caracas, Miranda
State and Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1928-1930
96. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Grupo Escolar y Escuela Normal Miguel Antonio Caro
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Luis Malaussena (Caracas, 1900 - 1962)
City/Place: Catia, Caracas, Distrito
Year: project and construction: 1943-1945
97. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Liceo Caracas
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Cipriano J.
Dominguez (Caracas,1904 - 1995)
City/Place: El
Paraiso, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1935-1939
98. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Sanatorio Antituberculoso
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Carlos Guinand Sandoz (Caracas, 1917 - 1963)
City/Place: El
Algodonal, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1937-1939
99. Name of work /building, site or
neighborhood: Maternidad Concepción Palacios
Author/s and dates of birth/death: engineer Willy Ossot ( - )
City/Place: Avenida San
Martin, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1937-1939
100. Name of work
/building, site or neighborhood: Quinta Piedra Azul
Author/s and dates of birth/death: architect Gustavo Wallis ( - )
City/Place: Caracas
Country Club, Caracas, Distrito Capital
Year: project and construction: 1940-1942
DoCoMoMo Venezuela
February 15th, 2014
Hannia Gomez Frank
Alcock San Román
Vice president Treasurer
Walter J. Alcock, Rossella Consolini, Carlos Gomez de Llarena, Valeria Ragonne and
Gregory Vertullo
Consulting Council Members
Docomomo Venezuela
Our gratitude to Anabeli
Vera-Marín, Architect, Professor of the Departamento de
Historia de la Ciudad, la Arquitectura y el Diseño at the Facultad
de Arquitectura y Diseño of the Universidad del Zulia, who collaborated with Docomomo Venezuela with the work "Arquitectura Moderna en Maracaibo: urbanizaciones, edificios, espacios
públicos, monumentos" (February. 2014).
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